Saturday, November 10, 2007

Indigenous Church Planting - Van Kicklighter NAMB

One answer to reaching North America with the gospel is church planting. C. Peter Wagner said, “The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.” Even as the church planting leader in North America, NAMB’s efforts have produced church planting by addition. The churching of North America will require nothing short of a multiplying movement of church planting. Such a multiplying methodology of evangelization and church planting will be free of the constraints that limit our ability to multiply, including present leadership patterns and campus-based methodologies. These will continue to be valid expressions, and we will continue to add to our large store of what could be called “traditional” or institutional churches. However, rapid multiplication of churches will require that we go beyond this traditional model.
Large mission settings, such as multihousing communities, will never be reached by our present church patterns. One church planting missionary challenges us “. . . to think of churches we can start that will utilize men and women to be shepherds in the market place and in the neighborhoods. Gatherings can be in schools, in parks, at Starbucks, and apartment complexes. We must develop relation-based churches which do all the functions of fellowship, worship, Bible study, prayer, and ministry.”
We must also validate a simpler biblically authentic model for the twenty-first century with the anticipation of seeing a church planting movement in North America. “Southern Baptists also need to embrace church ‘forms’ that are biblical but not traditional, such as house churches and campus churches at major colleges. And, we must start churches that will address the changing face of America with its ethnic, generational, and cultural diversities.”

See the complete article at the North American Mission Board website: